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Answers with Tag: depression

Are these my psychological problems or do they have some spiritual basis?

Nikah by text message

My father pressured me into marrying a man I don’t like. What should I do?

Dealing with Husband’s Infidelity

Abortion question

I’m dealing with depression and want to know if this medication is halal?

How may I overcome my problems?

Am I allowed to marry a dedicated and practicing Christian woman?

Scientific benefits of Wudhu

Is a person suffering from bipolar disorder excused for his sins?

How do i overcome my depression?

How can I help my husband with his bipolar disorder and keep my family together?

Can you give me a dua to help with depression, headaches, and failure?

Why am I suffering despite being a faithful believer and why doesn’t God help me?

I became ungrateful to Allah what should I do?