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Answers with Tag: consent

Can I refuse to live in the same house as my abusive mother-in-law?

Does the Shari’ah stipulate a limitation of profits in business?

Is it permissible for me to inspect my wife’s phone and WhatsApp messages etc. without her consent?

What is the ruling on sharing the properties of the deceased?

Inheritance Query

How should the pension and inheritance be distributed Islamically?

I would like advice on how to distribute my ‘estate’ to my beneficiaries

Am I being a controlling husband or is she being a disobedient wife?

Salary earned by working for an Insurance Company and money accumulated from paid sick leave?


Clarification on the laws of a mazur and making wudhu with a spray bottle

Does verbally saying or writing out ‘di’ or ‘divo’ constitute a divorce?

Inheritance query

What is the punishment for insulting the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)?

Can I drink my wife’s milk