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Answers with Tag: consent

Indexation, Inflation and Investing in NS&I Index Linked Certificates

Is it Permissible To Operate an Agency Business For Hajj al-Badl (Hajj by proxy)?

Does the breaking of Wudhu during Ghusl necessitate restarting Ghusl?

How do I purify tiles which have impurity on it?

How will my garden become pure from impurity?

How will my carpet become pure from impurity?

How should I become pure if I had a wet dream on a plane?

How do I purify phone screen from a blood stain?

Does a cervical screening test necessitate Ghusl?

Is it necessary to verbally respond to all the Adhans that I hear?

What shall I do if I have a plaster and I need to do Wudhu?

Forgetting to say Bismillah at the start of Wudhu

Is the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) Shariah Compliant?

Is it Permissible to Invest in a Property Fund and What is the Zakat Liability on Such a Fund?

Do I pay Zakat on the annual salary that I earn?