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Answers with Tag: computer

How can I stay away from pornography and masturbation?

Is it permissible to touch the frame or the covering screen through which a Quranic verse is displayed?

Is it permissible to recite the Qur`an on electronic devices without ablution?

Is permissible to watch animated porn?

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What does the Quran say about reciting from computers without wudhu?

What does Islam say about studying at madrasa without parents’ permission?

What advice would you give someone who is struggling with their business?

Is a 12-week tech internship at an investment bank Shariah-compliant?

Is it permissible to work for IBM in the UK on a project for the Ministry of Defence?

Are pirated software CDs and buying them allowed in Pakistan?

Is it permissible to use pirated computer software?

Mechanical Slaughter

Pornography Addiction

How to stop Pornography Addiction?