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Answers with Tag: children

I Am Stuck Between My Mother and My Wife. What Does Islam Say?

Has the Prophet Really Been Intimate With Maryah in Hafsa’s House?

Should I Abandon the Life I Have Built Abroad to Take Care of My Parents?

Do Some Fiqhi Rulings Defy Logic And Contradict The Sunna?

Can We Send Our Children to Secular, Non-Muslim Schools?

Should I Marry a Girl Who Is Hurting Herself Because She Cannot Be With Me?

Is It Sinful To Laugh at My Parents When They Are Backbiting?

Is It Sinful To Plan To Divorce My Wife so I Can Marry Another I Love?

Do Muslims need to strive to make the 5 pests mentioned in a hadith extinct?

How Can I Hope for Marriage Being Middle-Aged?

Is It Permissible for Me To Marry a Man Whom Will Leave Me After a Year or Two?

Can I Pray for Death Because I Cannot Take My Doubts Anymore?

Please define for me the precise message which all the Prophets were commanded by Allah Most High to preach?

Is Inflation a Factor When a Parent Gives Gifts to Children Over Time?

The Fiqh of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha