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Answers with Tag: Beard

An incident before the demise of Mu’awiyah (radiyallahu ‘anhu)

Prohibition against spying and searching for faults of Muslims

How long can I let my beard grow? (Hanbali Fiqh)

What is the complete Sunnah length of the beard? Can the hair between the lower lip and chin be shaved? 

The narration of Angels playing with a mans beard

Can the mosque appoint a permanent Imam with a short beard?

One of office colleague who is an hindu always asks me that why … help me fast as he wants to know the answer.

Dua during heavy rains and floods

Is it correct to call a person as “Maulana” who is really … beard and looks like a maulana

Shaving the sides of the beard.

Person without beard etc. leading Salaat.

Man unable to keep a beard because of job.

Grooming and combing the beard.

Definition of the beard.

Voting in Elections