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Answers with Tag: Bank

I have 20,000 US dollars in cash and in checking account and about $ 5,000 worth of jewellery.

My eldest sister was got married nearly 22 years ago and after the marriage of two years she died. At that time of death she had a 22 days of little girl child. Now 20 years passed, after her death my brother-in-law…

A medical student requires about 250,000 dollars to study in medical school to become a doctor. I do not have any other source other than taking loan from any Bank. Question may arise….

I have bought a second home a few years back using a normal riba based loan, therefore paying the bank huge sums of interest every month. I want to follow the right path now..

I want to do job in bank. i want to know that the salary which i will get will it be halaal or haram. my husband is nice man but becuase of his some family members he don’t…

My parents are travelling to Malaysia next month, I have heard that some Muftiyan e Kiraam permit Medical & Travel Insurance, I would like to know if its permissible for my parents to take out Medical & Travel Insurance?

1. A person can keep a sum of money in bank in a special account frozen for a period of a year with rent percentage of for example 5 %…. 2. If a person can keep his money at a bank with 0 % rent, should he choose this rather then take rent and give it thereafter to the poor ?

1. I have US $17,000 in Credit Card debts for which I have been paying minimum monthly repayments which are interest based. … 2. I had made an intention of naming our new born child, if a boy, by the name of first caliph (R.A) of Islam, … 3. i am involved with the work of Tableegh over here for the past 3 years or so. Nowadays i am in some sort of confusion as i am more worried about the

1. I got a offer to work in company I am an accountant working in Botswana ( i am a srilankan), In that company there is three division the main one is fencing second one is…2. Can an accountant work in company who is getting interest from bank from call accountant but his main income is not a interest, if i am not invloving in calculating intrest on

My question is regarding a riba mortgage. I bought a house in my country by riba mortgage 2 years ago when I was non muslim (I was christian then). So I…

My wife was working in a bank few years back. During that time we purchased a land in India. When  I did a mashura with two aalims, they said the money erned by working in a bank is not halal, so it has to be distributed to poeple who are in great misery or immersed in liablities. So we did accordingly and finished all the money. Now only this land is remaining. Please let me know whether the money invested at that time has to be given out or the existing appreciated value of the land has to be given out. Jazakallah. Ebrahim

I currently got a job with a collections agency for a bank. My job requires me to just call our clients and to remind them to pay the monthly installment that is owed on their accounts. …

Is it allowed to do currency trading online buying and selling of euros and dollars through internet, we are in india we want to do through the indonesian…

My wife has no income. But she has gold and money in bank that I have her as meher. Is it wajib for her to do Qurbani?

I am a 21 year old lady, working in the insurance industry, however i have been asked to take out a life cover by my fellow colleagues (how can i try and sell the product if i dont even have 1 myself)….