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Answers with Tag: backbiting

Do injections or blood tests break the fast in the Shafi’ee Madhab?

What is the correct way to seek forgiveness from Allah for backbiting?

What is the correct way to seek forgiveness from Allah for backbiting?

Islamic view on back-biting and using “Astaghfirullah” during unlawful acts?

Should one forgive and what is the punishment for backbiting?

Is writing something negative about someone in a personal diary considered backbiting?

Good and Bad Qualities and Shaytan’s Influence

Importance of Holding one’s Toung and Having Good Manners

Abusive Mother and what to do about her?

Is it the duty of the parents to financially support their child if he wants to study his deen? And what are rights of the child that parents have to fulfil?

How do I deal with colleagues who are aggressive and arrogant?

My wife is too shy. It is causing frustration in our relationship. Please advise.

I want to know more about Iman and A’māl-e-Saliha to be a successful muslim.

Why is Talaaq issued in the state of anger taken into consideration?

What should I do to resolve my marital life?