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Answers with Tag: Argument

Divorce issue while being pregnant

Given right to woman

Divorce in Future Tense

Are the gifting schemes known as Secret Sufis or Tuhfatul Mu`min permissible which are similar to Secret Santa?

Teaching women to write

Sayyiduna Ja’far, Zayd and ‘Ali (radiyallahu’anhum) being elated at the words of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)

I and my wife had a argument on casual matter and in anger she asked me to give … fact and masail of talaq and I said in one breath.

Verse in Quran 3:61 What is the event of Mubahela?

Yum Yum Sausage and Crab Meat.

A weak hadith and its acceptance in fiqh.

Is it permissible to buy toys for muslim children with eyes on them?

Hadith in Bukhari states Iqamah is 1/2 of Azan, then why do we say it two times?

What happens if Talaq is given 3 times?

What’s the ruling of animated objects (toys) in homes and in the masjid?

Is This A Statement For Actual Divorce ?