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Answers with Tag: Aqeedah

What is al-Aqeedah al-Tahhawiyyah?

Is it allowed to hear the Kuffar slogans?

How do I strengthen my Iman and increase my knowledge before Dajjal comes?

Can a Sunni boy or girl marry a Shia boy or girl?

Can saying certain things make someone a kaafir in Islam?

Are Muslims allowed to visit their Hindu friends for Diwali and have sweets at their house?

Reading durud sharif 80 times after Asr on Friday

Is it permissible to consuming milk which has blessed by a Jewish Rabbi?

The Ahlul Bait, Sahabah, etc

Allegations on Fadhaail-e-A’maal

Questions on ‘Aqeedah

Will a Kaafir Enter Jannah?

Question: I really like your stance on everything. It has really opened up a new door to me, as it never occurred to me that maybe, just maybe, Allah isn’t above us. Since I was a young boy, I’ve raised my hands to the sky praying to Allah. Oh how wrong I was! I could’ve have been making Du’aa’ towards the floor! In other words, if Allah is the Most High, and if He isn’t above us, that would mean that he is everywhere. maybe, he’s inside all of us as well….. as you can see from my flawed thinking, this is why we need to discuss this issue and this is why this issue is one of great importance. many misconceptions can come from flaws in people’s Aqeedah no matter how small. So instead of dismissing this as an issue that has not been of debate, Clearly it has been debate because the way of thinking I just presented to you is from many different misguided sects.

Aqeedah on Speech of Allah

Omnipresence of the Prophet (SAW)