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Answers with Tag: Aqeedah

1. How any sects of the ummah has created till now as Prophet (saw) stated in a hadith that there will be 73 sects of his ummah? …2. Is ahle sunna wal jamaa is considered as one sect or four madhabs are considered 4 sect?

Question regarding Fatwa #17519 from the United States concerning aqeedah. I have also wondered about innovation among practices of Tassawuf. I clearly understand…

”Abdals and aqtabs”…Due to my lack of understanding , I was not clear on the answer of the second part of the question with the questioner had put forth . If possible , can you briefly explain the answer,

What exactly is a Fatwa? On what grounds can a Fatwa be issued?


Can I perform Shia nikah 1st then convert her to Sunni then perform Sunni nikah…

Regarding ur Futwa # 16425 , You have mentioned that Takdeer (Qadr) can not be changed. But i have heard that dua can change takdeer. If your answer is that of Qada-e- Mubarram Haqiqi (Absolute slates) ….

Salaah is fardh on every adult, sane muslim, similarly learning the masaail related to salah viz a viz ghusul, wudu, tayamum and knowing the direction of qibla and….

According to our Aqeedah, only person Masoom (sinless) are only the Imbhiyah (Prophets). The reference is also present on this site….However, some one brought to my attention 4:59, and similar verses from the same chapter, claim that the Massomiyat also extends to “the people who have authority”

If a person were to die in a state of doing haraam e.g listening to music, at a music concert, would a person die with or without imaan?….On the day of judgement will we be called after our mother or fathers name?….Is it permissable to work at an electronic store that sells tv’s, computers, cameras,appliances , dvd’s?

I would be very much greatfull if you could kindly advise me on .. “Shaykh al-Albaanee’s advice to the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh”

1) I don’t find any Quarnic verse or hadith describing Tabligh jamaath as being the one correct path that leads to Jannah, …2) The followers of Tabligh jamaath regarding Fazail-e-Amaal as the main guide book, although it contains information directly contradicting Quran and hadith

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