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Answers with Tag: Ahlus Sunnah

73 Sects in Islam

What are the differences between deobandi and barelvi aqeedah?

Somewhere here you said Salafis are same as Sunni but astray but they say that Imam Ash’ary is not Muslim so can you kindly explain that?

What is the fatwa of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah’s ulama regarding Wahabi or Salafis?

Could i read the writings of ustadh said nursi? Is he an ulama of Ahlus sunnah?

What is the islamic ruling regarding ibn taimiya? Did he held any anthromorphist belief?

Is it true that the death is only punishment for a “Shiaat” believer? What should a shiat person do to be forgiven?

Is it permissible to seek an intermediary between you and Allah? Forexample, one prays to a Saint to seek Allah’s pleasure for him?

Can Ahlus Sunnah use tasawvvuf way of Akhlaaq?

(aqheeda)Give some back ground of Asharees, Maturidis, Ibn Arabi, and Imam Gazali

Dr.Israh Ahmed, Dr.Zakir Naik, Shaikh Ahmed Deedat, Harun Yahya … are these scholars authentic?

Do the Khawarij still exist? How are their beliefs different from the mainstream Muslims?

To seek the help of any deceased and pray to him is Shirk

1) Is it true the Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) kept a hair of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his hat, and that at one time he had lost his hat and he started to worry until he found the hat. Isn’t this relying on the Prophets hair and not relying on Allah

I am requesting a dua that I can recite which would help to create and promote harmony between my husband and my mother.