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How can I win Allah’s Help?

Ruling if intending 4 rakat Nafl in a Fardh 3 rakat Salah.

Does the one who rejects Hadith leave the fold of Islam?

Do these phrases constitute divorce?

Would calling ones wife an animal entail a talaq?

Someone will buy an item for me on credit then charge me more, Is this allowed?

Should I remove all my clothes before wrapping on my ihram?

Are all Hadith in Sahih Bukhari authentic?

Is it a sin not to wear the niqab?

Renting from a letting agency

When do we have to keep our Qadha Ramadhan fasts by?

Is Aptamil Infant Milk formula halal

Praying Salah last possible time due to passing wind problem

How should a wife deal with marital and family problems?

Is it Allowed for me To Purchase a New Taxi By using a PCP