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Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse if i suspect my period is stopped or ending before the usual

Is it good to make my daughter a Hafidha & is this action of writing on the Ka’bah authentic?

Menstruation question

A specialist asked me to use I U D. due to that my periods has extended from 6 to 14 days

Was the first Talaq ever valid?

Doubtful Nikah

Greeting Kuffar with ‘Merry Christmas’?

I have heard that it is not permissible to interpret the meanings of the Qur’an on the basis of one’s individual understanding. Can you explain what is meant by this?

Child custody, maintenance?

Menstruation Ruling

What is the solution if Jinn or black magic is done on my wife and I am very far away from her?

Christmas Breathis

Is it halal to earn money from Youtube?

Respect for Deeni books

Working with Ghair-mahram (strange) women