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Be cautious regarding urine droplets

Concern about the dunya is darkness and concern for the Hereafter is light

The great sin in stealing from one’s neighbour and committing zina with his wife

Allah Ta’ala personally created four things

Imam Abu Hanifah and Hadith

Trustworthiness will be removed

Assume the best about your brother

Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)’s advice on avoiding sins and being punctual with the obligatory deeds

Reciting the Shahadah after wudu

Hadith about the opportunities that Allah affords us

A fabricated narration on sleeping before offering ‘Isha Salah

Forming rows [saffs] for Salah just as the angels do

The virtue of memorising forty Hadiths

Is laughing in the Masjid a cause of darkness in the grave?

The four experts on Quran among the Sahabah (radiyallahu’anhum)