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Can a traveller who was robbed accept zakāt funds if he still has access to his bank account?

Can a man and woman eat, drink and cook when they slept together and need a ghusl?

Are trusts permissible?

Boyfriends and girlfriends – How to get over them

Are receivables considered when calculating one’s eligibility for performing Qurbani?

Am I entitled to a return of a payment for an unavailable service?

Are Muslims allowed to eat cross buns?

A specific inheritance case

A Research on Mechanical Slaughter

A question on foster relations

I have a question, when we sex with my wife after that we both take a bath for Janabath and the next day the wife feels that some Manee has come out, will she have to take a Janabath bath again?

Charging for detentions? Is it permissible?

Removing hairs from between the eyebrows; wearing 9ct jewellery and determining the completion of haidh.

How to pay Zakaat on business?

Listening to recitation of the Qur’an with translation.