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Please explain the seemingly contradictory texts with regards to illnesses

Is investing with the capital guaranteed permissible?

I am having difficulty paying for a car I purchased on credit. What are my options?

Can a dua be recited between the two Sajdah in a fardh prayer?

Is it permissible to sublease?

Was the Flood in the time of Sayyiduna Nuh alayhis salaam a global event?

What is the ruling of salah performed with a slight deviation from the Qiblah?

Is my Orange phone contract Shari’ah Compliant?

Can BioGeometry be used by a person suffering from severe eczema?

I am considering starting a cake business and wanted to know the Islamic ruling on whether I can sell birthday cakes?

Many people quote a narration “If it wasn’t for the Prophet, Allah would not have created the universe.” Is this a hadith?

Is it permissible to kiss the Mushaf?

Is it kufr (disbelief) to reject Ijma’?

Can interest money be used to pay parking fines?

Where is Sayyiduna Ali Radhiallahu anhu’s tomb?