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Hukam of wearing Amama (turban) during salat

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org


is Wearing Amama is sunna in salat ? 
zaid always emphasize on wearing amama in salat and sometimes
 says that if anyone does not  wear Amama in salat then he is stupid , 

while Bakar said to him that it’s sunna of Libas but not sunna of salat and if someone don’t wear in his outer life than salat and can’t go in Majalis with amama then for him it’s not necessary to wear in salat , there is no Karahat  in salat by avoiding Amama in salat but if he sometimes wears it’s ok but not making it necessary or making a part of salat , just to make it compulsory , otherwise it a mustahab thing is emphasized and taken to an extent by considering it as a lazim and Wajib , then it’s necessary to leave that mustahab because it emphasized to an extreme extent should must be left that mustahab . 
but zaid says if he avoids amama in salat then he is losing Fazeela in his salat while Bakar says if it’s not a habitual wearing custom thing and was then avoided in salat will not make any Karahat in salat and sometimes if he wears then it’s ok but don’t make it compulsory so that by avoiding it considering people are becoming stupid , especially zaid was talking about imam , that if imam is not wearing amama during leading salat then he is stupid . 

please clarify that who is right , zaid or Bakr ? 
And what is the reality of Amama for an imam by using it in America during leading salat .

Hukam of wearing Amama (turban) during salat

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

Wearing a turban is a permanent tradition of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) whether inside or outside the prayers. Praying while wearing a turban is more virtuous and more rewarding. Performing prayers without turban, is deprivation of this extra virtue and reward. But it is not at all correct to consider it a permanent Sunnah of prayer and to insist on it and to call those who do not wear it as fools must be avoided. But regarding those who consider it a permanent Sunnah and insist on it, Allama Zafar Ahmad Usmani has written that where people consider the turban necessary for prayers, it would be better for the Imam to abandon the turban from time to time for the betterment of the people’s faith.

۔(امداد الاحکام : ۱/)

However, there are some traditions in which the virtue of wearing a turban in prayers has been mentioned, e.g. ‘praying with a turban is twenty-five degrees better than praying without a turban’ and in another narration it says; ‘praying with a turban is seventy degrees better than praying without it.’ The scholars have described these types of narrations weak and some of them as fabricated.

In summary, narrations in general do prove the virtue of turban and express it’s recommendation. Therefore, it should be kept at the same level of importance. Giving a higher status is tantamount to extremism and is obligatory to leave.

References on the subject: 

قال الحسن کان القوم یسجدون علی العمامۃ والقلنسوۃ ویداہ فی کمہٖ(صحیح بخاری : ۱/۵۶)

وفی العمامۃ سنۃ نبویۃ شریفۃ غفل عنھاکثیرمن العلماء بل زھدواحتی فی تغطیۃ الرأس ممالیس من شعارالکفرۃوقدقال علی القاری رحمہ اللہ  ان رسول اللہ ﷺ ماصلی حاسرالرأس الافی احرامہ۔( حاشیۃ ملتقی الابحر: ۲/۲۳۲)

قال العلامہ عبد الحئی اللکھنوی: وقد ذکروا ان المستحب ان یصلی فی قمیص وازار وعمامۃ ولا یکرہ الاکتفاء بالقلنسوۃ ولا عبرۃ لما اشتہر بین العوام من کراہۃ ذلک۔(عمدۃ الرعایۃ علی ہامش شرح الوقایۃ‘ باب ما یفسد الصلاۃ وما یکرہ فیھا‘ ۱/۱۶۹ ط سعید )

وروی ابن عساکرعن ابن عمرمرفوعاصلاۃ تطوع او فریضۃ بعمامۃ تعدل خمسا وعشرین صلاۃ بلاعمامۃ وجمعۃ بعمامۃ تعدل سبعین جمعۃ بلا عمامۃ فھذاکلہ یدل علی فضیلۃ العمامۃ مطلقا۔

 ( المرقاۃ : ۸/۲۵۰)

وفی منہاج السنن: ان العمامۃ سنۃ ولہا فضیلۃ مثل سائر السنن الزائدۃ واما روایات فضیلۃ الصلوٰۃ فیہا خمسا وعشرین صلاۃ او سبعین صلاۃ وعشرۃ الاف حسنۃ فباطلۃ

وموضوعۃ صرح بہ القاری وغیرہ۔ (منہاج السنن شرح جامع السنن ص۲۱۲ جلد۵ باب سدل العمامۃ بین الکتفین)

وبالجملۃ ان ترک العمامۃ ترک الاولیٰ نعم جاز ترک ما لایکون مطلوبا شرعا عند مصلحۃ العوام۔ (منہاج السنن شرح جامع السنن ص۲۲۵ جلد۲باب ماجاء فی الصلوٰۃ فی الثوب الواحد)

فقط واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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