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Spreading Fabricated Ahadith

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

Respected mufti sahib, we have been receiving a lot of these messages from a lot of different people during this blessed month of Ramadhan. The message is stating that by using the method below, all of one’s Qadha salah will be fulfilled. The thing that saddens me the most is, a lot of people who are sending these messages are learned wise fellows. Please advise what should be done in this situation:

Method to offer Qadha Salah

Rasulullah Sallallaho Alyhi Wasallam said, a person whose salah (many) have been qadha and they do not know the exact number either, then they should read 4 rakat nafl salah with one salam, on the last Friday of Ramadhan with Surah al-Fatiha, followed by 7 times Ayatal-Kursi and 15 times Surah al-Kausar in each rakah. If someone’s salah for even 700 years has been missed, it will be made up for (i.e. kaffarah) by performing this one salah.

Send this message to others so that more and more people can get this precious gift before the last Jummuah of Ramadhan.

Requesting for dua

Is it permissible to send such messages on whatsapp?

Spreading Fabricated Ahadith

Walaikumassalam Warahmatullah

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

Muhaddithin have considered such ahadith as maudhu‘ i.e. fabricated. Mulla Ali Qari Rehmatullah Aleh writes in his famous book “Maudhu‘at”:

حدیث “من قضی صلاۃ من الفرائض فی آخر جمعۃ من شھر رمضان کان ذلک جابراً لکل صلاۃ فائتۃ فی عمرہ الی سبعین سنۃ” باطل قطعا، لانہ مناقض للاجماع علی ان شیئا من العبادات لا یقوم مقام فائتۃ سنوات۔

Which means that the narration “a person who performs one qadha salah on the last Jummuah of the month of Ramadhan, then that one salah becomes the reparation or atonement for all his missed salats until he was 70”, is absolute falsehood. Because this hadith is against the ijmah (consensus) and the ijmah is upon the fact that no one act of worship can equate with the missed salats for years and years. (al-Maudhu‘at al-Kubrah, Pg.356, Published Maktabah Asriya, Sheikhupura).

Allama Shawkani Rehmatullah Aleh writes:

“من صلی فی آخر جمعۃ من رمضان الخمس الصلوات المفروضۃ فی الیوم و اللیلۃ قضت عنہ ما اخل بہ من صلاۃ سنتہ” ھذا موضوع لا اشکال فیہ۔

This hadith that “the person who performs the 5 fardh salats (of day and night) on the last Jummuah of the month of Ramadhan, then that will become the qadha for all his salats of that year, in which there was an issue” is without a doubt a fabrication.

(al-Fawaid al-Majmooah lil-Shawkani, Pg.54, Vol.1, #115)

As a contarary to the above described narrations, there are authentic ahadeeth of Rasulullah Sallallaho Alyhi Wasallam in which qadha salah has been ordered for the missed salats. Review the following ahadith regarding this topic:

The following narration of Rasulullah Sallallaho Alyhi Wasallam has been reported by Hazrat Anas Bin Malik RaziAllah Ta‘ala Anhu:

من نسی صلاۃ فلیصل اذا ذکرھا، لا کفارۃ لھا الا ذلک

(Saheeh Bukhari, Kitabul-Mawaqeet, Hadith#597)

Translation: It is mandatory upon the one who forgets to offer their salah to perform it as soon as they remember, other than that, there is no other reparation (for the missed salah).

It has been reported in another narration:

اذا رقد أحدکم عن الصلاۃ أو غفل عنھا فلیصلھا اذا ذکرھا فان اللہ عز و جل یقول: أقم الصلاۃ لذکری۔

(Saheeh Muslim, Akhir Kitabul-Masajid, 1569)

Translation: When someone sleeps while it is the time for salah or misses it due to negligence, then he should makeup for the missed salah as soon as he remembers, because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta‘ala has commanded:

اقم الصلاۃ لذکری

That is, establish salah for My remembrance.

It has been narrated in Sunan Nasai:

سئل رسول اللہ ﷺ عن الرجل یرقد عن الصلاۃ او یغفل عنھا، قال: کفارتھا ان یصلیھا اذا ذکرھا۔  

(Sunan an-Nasai, Kitabul-Mawaqeet, Bab Feemin Nam Anis-Salah, Pg.171)

Translation: Rasulullah Sallallaho Alyhi Wasallam was asked about a person who sleeps while it is the time for salah or misses it due to negligence; Rasulullah Sallallaho Alyhi Wasallam said that the atonement for such a person is to perform it as soon as he remembers.

(Excerpt from Fatawah Uthmani)

Therefore, relaying the ahadith mentioned in your question through whatsapp and other means is considered spreading misguidance and becoming a source of leading others astray. The sin for getting engaged in such actions and becoming a source of this dissemination is multiplied by the times it is shared, forwarded and the number of people getting affected by it. The more such messages are published and spread, the grave the sin and its associated curse becomes and everyone involved in its communication will become part of that curse. Therefore, without confirmation one should not share and forward such messages otherwise in the light of the hadith of Rasulullah Sallallaho Alyhi Wasallam, it will be considered as associating a lie with Rasulullah Sallallaho Alyhi Wasallam and everyone involved in spreading a lie and such fabricated ahadith will get the sin and will be considered audacious (daring). It is a must to safeguard oneself from such actions. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta‘ala protect all of us from this fitnah and give all the hidayat.

واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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