Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat
Question: Assalamu alaykum
I have seen that to disrespect the Mushaf (copy of the Qur’an) is Kufr (disbelief).
1. Does this mean that if a person commits a sin (e.g. watching T.V) or any sin in a room which has an Ayah or several Ayahs or Allah’s name framed on a wall he has committed Kufr?
2. Would it be regarded as Kufr to write Allah’s name in english on birthday cards?
Answer: Wa ‘alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.
I pray you are well.
You can rest assured that none of the matters you have described entail kufr. Kufr is not like a sticker which is freely handed out to a child when he visits a dentist. The vast majority of Muslims never approach anything close to disbelief in their entire lives.
What is disbelief?
Disbelief occurs:
a. when someone rejects what Allah and His Messenger, Allah bless him and give him peace, gave us, calling it a lie.
b. When there is a heinous act displaying contempt of Allah, His Book, Messenger, or a symbol Islam. This, according to the great imam Abd al ʿAziz b. Abd al Salam, would be something like throwing a copy of the Qurʾan in with the rubbish, or spreading excrement on the Kaʿba (Usmani, Fath al Mulhim). This is the interpretation of what Ibn Junaym said.
Most Muslims I have seen hesitate to say the word ‘pig’, let alone do something which would take them out of Islam. Relax, thank Allah for your faith, and take the steps needed to strengthen it. That is better than obsessing over committing disbelief through writing Allah’s name on in English on a birthday card.
May Allah bless you with the best of both worlds.
[Shaykh] Abdul-Rahim Reasat