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Paying debt to institute

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Sohail Hanif, SunniPath Academy Teacher

I was taking driving classes and my instructor (an employee of the institute) allowed me to take a free class. I don’t think the institute allow any free classes. I’ve been rather worried about this whole affair. I cannot be sure, but I think my instructor did a similar thing (once or maybe more) before this incident. But, I can’t be sure if it was done more than once (I keep getting this feeling that perhaps it was done more than once). I don’t know if I should return to pay the money.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalamu alaykum

May Allah reward you for your concern. It is true that the rights of other people are something grave in consequence and can only be ignored at ones own peril.

If the institute still exists then if you owe them money you must pay them directly and cannot suffice yourself with giving money in charity as this money is their direct right.

From reading your question it seems that perhaps it might be understood that an instructor might give a few extra classes here and there and the institute does not mind. If that is the case then one does not have to give back any money.

If one is uncertain if the institute would accept such an action from the instructor the best thing would be to contact the management of the institute directly. One could just make an anonymous phone call without mentioning one’s name nor that of the instructor and tell the institute what happened and ask them if they would like money to make up for what happened. If they say no then one need not worry about it.

One must ensure, however, that if this action of the instructor was unacceptable, and one asks whether one needs to pay any money or whether they will waive it, that one speaks with someone in a position to waive a debt, like someone in charge of finances, and not just the secretary.

May Allah give us tawfiq in giving other people their due and protect us from falling short with respect to their rights.

Sohail Hanif


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