Answered by Shaykh Sohail Hanif, SunniPath Academy Teacher
I think i made a sound with my mouth and tongue, kind of like a clucking sound, while i was praying, but i am not sure if it just happened instinctively, or because i was frustrated to have to re-recite a dua while praying. does this constitute talking while praying, is my prayer nullified?
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
Assalamu alaykum
If the sound that one made resembles sounds one makes when speaking, then it would invalidate the prayer if it is equivalent to two letters such as ‘b-b’, two sounds that sound like the letter ‘b’. If it was only one such sound then it will not invalidate the prayer. If the sound was some sort of guttural sound or from the chest then it will not invalidate as one does not articulate letters from such places (Radd al-Muhtar)
If one is not even sure whether such a sound issued from one then there is no need to even consider it. We are taught to only act on that which we are certain of.
Sohail Hanif