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What are the four imams’ views on face covering in hijab?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftisays.com
assalmualaikum warahmatullah… i pray this message finds you in good health..i am a teacher at an islamic school, where the subject of hijab is an huge issue, i would be grateful if you can help me by telling me what are the gfour imams views on the covering of the face..may allah give oyu the highest rank in jaanat.. jazakallahu kairan kaseeran kaseera


Al-Jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah’s guidance)

All the Imaams are unanimous that it is compulsory for women to cover the face in the presence of strangers of when leaving the home in the present day and age where Fitnah is rife and apprehended.

And Only Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

Moulana Qamruz Zaman
London, UK

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This answer was collected from MuftiSays.com, based in London (UK). It is one of the fruits of Darul Uloom London. Many ‘ulama are involved in answering the Q&A on the site, including: Shaikul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq Sahib, Mufti Saifur Rahman Sahib, Mufti Abdullah Patel Sahib, Maulana Qamruz Zaman Sahib, Mufti Abu Bakr Karolia Sahib.

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