i have herad from many people using the term hijab, i would like to know what are the main things that needs to be covered, please could you also tell me if the woman need cover her face or is this a act which they are doing is in their own choice or the shariyah say that the women must cover there face
Answer |
Bismihi Ta’ala
The term Hijaab means to cover. In Islamic terms, it means the covering of the entire body from head to toe, except the eyes (due to need), the hands (not including the wrists) and the feet (not including the ankles) for women. This is according to the verse of the Qur’an in which women are ordered to cover their Bosoms using a Khimaar. This can only be done if the Khimaar is released from on top of the head.
Many translators, and also, modern minded Muslims do not take into consideration the implications of this term Khimaar. Shari’ah isn’t always based in literal meanings of the Qur’an. This is why Ijtihaad is needed, so that correct rulings can be deduced from the correct Islamic resources, not from translation Qur’ans.
And Allah knows best.
————————————– Mufti Yaseen Shaikh
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