In the name of Allah the Exalted
Yes, it is permissible however the following points must first be taken into consideration:
A General directive we learn from the Hadith narrated from Hadhrat Ibn Abbas is that:
“Rasulullah cursed those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of women and those women who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of men”. (Bukhari 7.773)
Jeans were originally worn by men and in later years became a fashion accessory for both males and females. Jeans are now not exclusively for the male gender. But they are from the clothes of fashion and have the ability to attract, this is against the dignity and self respect of a Muslimah. Furthermore certain tight fitting Jeans which cling to the body, reveal the shape of the legs and still have the essence of male clothing. Hence, it would be Mukruh for a Muslim lady to wear jeans under her Jabbah/Abayah when there is a risk of exposure. Jeans are permissible to wear providing that they do not come into view to others.
In answer to the second element of your question, my own humble opinion is that she should not dress that way or expose herself in jeans etc to anyone including her Muhaarim other than her husband.
Lastly, I would wish to quote in the words of Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Rahmatullahi Alaihi in which he says that it is Mukruh (disliked in Islam) for a Muslim (both male and female) to don the attire of the Fussaaq (Evil doer, Transgressor) and Fujjaar (grave sinner). If jeans are the garments of the transgressors and evil doers then it is desirable that they be avoided. But alas this is to the discretion of the individual.
Ibn Uthamin also indicates towards such evil when he talks about the showing of leniency in the laws of Hijaab in which he states “that it will open the door of malevolence which will not be possible to close thereafter”. (Fatawa Ulamaa Baladil Haram Pg 567).
Nevertheless, it is permissible for a lady to wear jeans under her jubba etc as long as she exercises caution that no one can see her wearing them.
And Allah knows best
Sahih Al-Bukhari
Fatawa Ulamaa Baladil Haram Pg 567
Fatawa Mahmoodiyah Vol. 14 Pg 399
————————————– Mufti Abubakr Karolia Batley, U.K Founder of the “Islamic Foundation for Theology and Research” (I.F.T.A.R)