Q: I need help with a problem. I am 15 years old and studying to become a Hafiz ul Quran. The problem is, I’m too handsome (al hamdulillah at least). Its something that leads me to immoral thoughts of the opposite sex. Its since I’ve lost weight it all started. My nafs are strong and I am scared to fall in sins. Please advise me.
A: Don’t worry about all this. Many a times a person maybe handsome within himself, but really he is not handsome. And beauty is not the only thing that people look at. It is only about 3 -4 percent of people who look at beauty. They look at greater things and to be over-awed with your beauty is stupidity and naivety.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)