Q: Is zakaat waajib on shares? If yes, then how will it be calculated?
A: Zakaat is Waajib on shares. However, it should be noted that Zakaat is not Waajib on the entire share. Rather Zakaat is only Waajib upon the Zakaatable assets of the company (i.e. the market value of the merchandise contained in the share of the company). As far as the non-Zakaatable assets of the company are concerned e.g. fixtures, fittings, transport vehicles, etc. which are not part of the merchandise of the company, the value of all these things will be evaluated in the share and will not be taken in account when discharging the zakaat. If it is difficult to differentiate between the zakaatable and non-Zakaatable assets of the company, then as a precautionary measure one should discharge the Zakaat on the market value of the entire share.
If a person purchased shares in a company that hires out vehicles, e.g. a trucking company or leases out properties, estates, flats, etc., Zakaat will not be Waajib on this type of share. Instead, Zakaat will only be Waajib on the profits accrued from the share.
(أو نية التجارة ) في العروض إما صريحا ولا بد من مقارنتها لعقد التجارة كما سيجيء أو دلالة بأن يشتري عينا بعرض التجارة (شامي 2/267) (فتاوى محمودية 14/130)
( ولا في ثياب البدن ) المحتاج إليها لدفع الحر والبرد ابن ملك ( وأثاث المنزل ودور السكنى ونحوها ) وكذا الكتب وإن لم تكن لأهلها إذا لم تنو للتجارة. (شامي 2/265)
Answered by:
Mufti Zakaria Makada
Checked & Approved:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)