Q: My husband is going for Hajj in September 18 Insha Allah and I’m going to my country three days before him that’s means that in September 18 as I can not stay alone in UK without him so I will go to my country to stay with my parents until my husband comes back from hajj but the money my husband will give me to spend in my country is not enough and he does not have money for now so I decided to borrow from some body the money I will take with me but my husband told me you can not borrow money because if you do so my haj will not be accepted he said you can borrow only after I finish my hajj, is it true? Is it ok to borrow the money or shall I wait until my husband finishes his hajj and then borrow from someone in my country?
A: You have got the right to borrow if there is a valid reason to borrow.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)