Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Mahmoodiyah » Question: Assalamualaikum Respected Mufti and Ulama Haqq   May ALLAH reward you immensely for your efforts and give you steadfastness in serving Deen through all modes of communication.   I have question with regard to addressing ones wife as a mother mistakenly. In particular does the Nikah become invalid if husband mentions about such and such features of his wife e.g. wife character being like that of husbands mother.   I have heard in the past that if one calls his wife as mother then this has implications on the Nikah?. Can you please clarify   Jazakallah  Khair

Question: Assalamualaikum Respected Mufti and Ulama Haqq   May ALLAH reward you immensely for your efforts and give you steadfastness in serving Deen through all modes of communication.   I have question with regard to addressing ones wife as a mother mistakenly. In particular does the Nikah become invalid if husband mentions about such and such features of his wife e.g. wife character being like that of husbands mother.   I have heard in the past that if one calls his wife as mother then this has implications on the Nikah?. Can you please clarify   Jazakallah  Khair

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Assalamualaikum Respected Mufti and Ulama Haqq
May ALLAH reward you immensely for your efforts and give you steadfastness in serving Deen through all modes of communication.
I have question with regard to addressing ones wife as a mother mistakenly. In particular does the Nikah become invalid if husband mentions about such and such features of his wife e.g. wife character being like that of husbands mother.
I have heard in the past that if one calls his wife as mother then this has implications on the Nikah?. Can you please clarify
Jazakallah  Khair




By uttering such statements ones Nikah does not become invalid but it is Makrooh (odious) to utter such statements.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah



19 July 2005

12 Jumaadul Ukhraa 1426

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