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Fundraising with qurbani meat

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Fatwa.org.au
1. I was always brought up with the notion that when we give Qurban we can take one third of the potion for ourselves, share another one third of the potion with our family and friends (Muslims) and we have to give the last one third to the poor. Firstly can you please confirm if this is correct? If not what is the correct distribution portion and who are the eligible people? I ask this question because we are finding it hard to classify who are the poor Muslims in Melbourne / Australia.

2. Is it permissible to use Qurban meat to have a BBQ in order to raise funds which will be used to service the local Muslim community or even donate to the local masjid?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

1) To give one third of the qurbani meat to the poor, one third to one’s family and friends and to keep one third for oneself is mustahab (preferable), not compulsory. If someone keeps all the meat for himself, it is permissible.

(Raddul Muhtaaar: 9/541/542, Darul Ma’rifa)

2) How exactly will funds be raised with the qurbani meat? We can only give a ruling after you tell us the exact procedure. Do, however, note the following:

It is makrooh to sell qurbani meat. If one does sell qurbani meat, it is compulsory to give the money that one made by selling the qurbani meat in charity to the poor who are eligible to receive Zakat. Such money cannot be given to the masjid. Nor can such money be given for public welfare projects.

(Fatawa Mahmudiya: 17/443; Ahsanul fatawa 7/495, 531)
Yes, if A gives his qurbani meat to B i.e. A makes B the owner of the meat, then B can do anything with the meat: he can eat it, sell it, give it in charity etc.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Faizal Riza

This answer was collected from Fatwa.org.au, which is connected to Darul Ifta Australia, based in Melbourne, Australia.
It is operated by Mufti Faizal Riza, a student of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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