1) I would like know if you happens to reach late for the zuhr salaat and the farz is going on then you will have to join the salaat, can i pray the 4 sunnah after the fard since it is sunnah muaqada,
2) when im praying salaat home do i have to call the iqamah or no,
3) can zakaat money use to pay of ones dept
Assalaamu Alaikum,
1) Yes, you should perform the 4 Sunnah after the fard Salaah. In this case however, you should first perform the 2 sunnah after the fard (which is also muakaddah) and then perform the 4 Sunnah which you missed before the fard.
2) Yes, you should call the Iqamah when performing the fard Salaah at home.
3) Yes, Zakaah money can be used to pay one’s debts.
And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan