asalamualaykum mufti sahib I Belong to U.P.(India), working in Saudi Arabia & planning to perform HAJJ. When my father was sick ,two years ago, I lend some money for treating him and at the time of coming Saudi Arabia I again lend some money from another person and did?t pay so far.Both the person never demand their money.My question is if I perform Hajj after granting their permission with this promise that I will pay the money after perform Hajj and they agree ,it will be a valid Hajj accordance with the islamic principles or requirements or not. Jazakallahukhaira.
(Fatwa: 2037/1885=D/1429)
It is better for you to intend for hajj after paying off the debt. Yes, if the creditor is ready and you can easily pay your debt after performing hajj then you can perform the hajj before paying your debt as well, the hajj will be valid, but you should take respite from the creditors.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband