aussalmwalaehkum My sister does not respect my parents and used to be irritated all time will u tell me any dau dat i should do to make her obedient she is very influenced by western culture plz help us out.
(Fatwa: 535/515=L/1429)
Recite the below dua thrice after every obligatory salah, blow on water and give her for drinking:
ربنا آتنا فی الدینا حسنۃ و فی الآخرۃ حسنۃ و قنا عذاب النار
Also, occasionally offer two rakat nafl salah and supplicate Allah to make her obedient.
If you can find the book ?Taleem-ud-Deen? (تعلیم الدین) from any bookshop give it to her for study.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband