Asalamu ‘alaikum, I am sorry this is very complicated. I do not know whether this is a dream or something else, but something very weird happened to me this morning. After Salat Al Fajr, I went to bed and started thinking about death and motherhood (I am not married)- I then just said the sleeping du’a and kalimah and closed my eyes. I don’t know whether I was sleeping or not, but I had a “dream” where I remember having a flashback of being in the hospital with a baby, then there was a photocopier and all of the sudden I had to make 4 copies on A4, the copies came out on A3 and the copier was making a noise as if though it was damaged. When I tried to stop the copier, it was like I had gone into some kind of wajd, I couldn’t touch the photocopier and my body felt a little paralysed- it was like I was underwater, but I was not, I was in this dreamy life; soon I started descending, almost floating and this was the weird thing- I was going down, floating down. Then I remember thinking that it maybe revelation, but then thought it must be death, so I whispered half the kalimah and all of the sudden my eyes opened- I was in my bed in the position I was floating down in; I then tried moving and Al hamdu lillah I moved and found that I was on my right side perfectly fine. I looked at the time and found that it was only 20 minutes after I had come to sleep. I was scared because I did not know whether I was asleep or not, or whether I was awake because I did not feel sleepy and Allahu ‘alam. I have had the experience of sleep paralysis due to jinns, but this was different. I am very sorry for the detail. Jazak Allahu khair.
(Fatwa: 337/65=TH/1430)
It is neither effect of magic nor divine dream; rather it is mishmash of dreams (satanic effect). Recite Ayatul Kursi and four Quls (Surah Al-Kafiroon, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and Al-Naas), after Isha blow on hands and pass on the body. Also, recite Surah Al-Quraish thrice after every obligatory salah with durood before and after.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband