Asalamu alaikum, I would like to know about a dream that I had once. It was when I was about 12 years old and it should have been after sunrise sometime. I saw myself in the night in the hospital giving birth to a son, then I remember loving the son greatly and keeping him with me. After this, I gave him to my father to look after and when I came back looking for him, he was lost and I just saw flashes of him here and there; then I started crying in the dream and woke up. I felt very strange after waking up and became attached to the idea of motherhood. I think I need the meaning of this dream, jazak Allahu khair.
(Fatwa: 2545/434=TH/1429)
It means that Allah shall favour upon you especially by protecting your iman and giving you taufiq for doing good deeds and avoiding sins, but it is feared that you will not be duly grateful to Allah for these boons. However, may Allah protect you from the same and other bad things as well!
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband