While offering Eidul Fitr salah (1) First time the Imam increased one takbir in first rakah and missed sajdah sahv. (2) While repeating the salah second time he missed one takbir in second rakah but did sajdah sahv.
Is it required to complete the salah sajdah sahv free or we completed the salah on second time. This happened last year while we were offering salah in the mosque.
But I want to know in the light of Shariah, what is the rule.
Is it required to complete the salah sajdah sahv free or we completed the salah on second time. This happened last year while we were offering salah in the mosque.
But I want to know in the light of Shariah, what is the rule.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fatwa: 617/617/M=1434)
If sajdah sahv is performed in Eid salah there is possibility of confusion and fitnah due to large gathering. Hence sajdah sahv is dropped in Eid salah even if it is wajib. In the question mentioned above Eid salah was valid. Neither it was necessary to repeat it that time nor later.
Allah knows Best!
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband