Is it permissible to use one’s Qurbaani meat in a catering business?
If it is not permissible, then what should one do with the money received through this food?
If he has to give it in Sadaqah, does he have to give the value of all the food prepared or only the value of the meat inside?
1. The ruling is that it is not permissible to sell Qurbaani meat. This ruling will also apply to the scenario of it being sold in a catering business; hence, it will not be permissible to sell Qurbaani meat – even though it has been cooked into a meal and mixed with many other ingredients – in a catering business.
2. The money received from selling Qurbaani meat will have to be given in Sadaqah, to such a poor person who is eligible to receive Zakaah.
In such a situation, the person is obliged to give the money received in lieu of the Qurbaani meat in Sadaqah; he is not obliged to give the money received in lieu of the other ingredients which were utilized in the preparation of the food, nor is he obliged to give the money received in lieu of his service of preparing the food.
If the catering company did specify the amount that they are charging for the other ingredients – apart from the meat – as well as the amount that they are charging for their services, then the calculation will be very easily carried out. However, this is very far-fetched, and probably very rarely implemented; therefore, one might find it very difficult to differentiate between the amount of money received in lieu of the meat and the amount of money received in lieu of the other ingredients etc. If one finds himself in such a situation, then he should calculate the least amount possible to be in lieu of the other ingredients, as well as of the service of preparing the food; and the remainder should be calculated as being in lieu of the Qurbaani meat. However, the ideal would be to adopt precaution and give the entire amount in Sadaqah.
Checked and Approved By:
Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.
ويتصدق بجلدها أو يعمل منه نحو غربال وجراب وقربة وسفرة ودلو أو يبدله بما ينتفع به باقيا كما مر لا بمستهلك كخل ولحم ونحوه كدراهم فإن بيع اللحم أو الجلد به أي بمستهلك أو بدراهم تصدق بثمنه. (رد المحتار – دار الفكر بيروت – ج6 ص328)
ويتصدق بجلدها أو يعمل منه نحو غربال وجراب وقربة وسفرة ودلو أو يبدله بما ينتفع به باقيا كما مر لا بمستهلك كخل ولحم ونحوه كدراهم فإن بيع اللحم أو الجلد به أي بمستهلك أو بدراهم تصدق بثمنه. (رد المحتار – دار الفكر بيروت – ج6 ص328)
فلو باع الجلد أو اللحم بالدراهم أو بما لا ينتفع به إلا بعد استهلاكه تصدق بثمنه، لأن القربة انتقلت إلى بدله. (الهداية – دار الاحياء التراث العربي بيروت – ج4 ص360)