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Is it permissible to perform Masah on leather socks which may allow some moisture to appear on foot after submerging it in water?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by AskOurImam.com

If I wear leather socks and there are no tears in it, but upon submerging my foot in water having worn them, wetness/moistness becomes apparent on my foot/ cotton socks underneath, are they valid for use for Salah as they are not technically waterproof? – I have noticed this recently and I am not sure whether or not my Wudhu has been valid despite me only wearing them to fulfil the Sunnah and use the dispensation – This is the case with most stitched leather socks that water can penetrate, so it must be a common problem I assume.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.cks

The mere moisture on the socks or on the feet after submerging the leather socks in water does not invalidate the use of the leather socks[1].

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Hanif Yusuf Patel

Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1]   وينقض مسح الخفّ أربعة أشياء: … وإصابة الماء أكثر إحدى القدمين في الخفّ، على الصحيح

[Nurul Idhah ma`a Imdad al-Fattah, p.131; Nur al-Idhah ma`a Maraqiy al-Falah, p.32, Maktabah Imdadiyyah, Multan]

ولو مسح على الخف ثم دخل الماء الخف ، وابتل من رجله قدر ثلاث أصابع أو أقل لا يبطل مسحه

ولو ابتل جميع القدم ، فبلغ الماء الكعب بطل المسح

[Al-Muhit al-Burhani, 1:353, Idarat al-Qur`an wa al-Uloom Al-Islamiyyah & Al-Majlis al-Ilmiy; Al-Fataw At-Tatarkhaniyyah, 1:417, Maktabah Zakariyyah, Deoband]

(رجل مسح على خفّيه ثم دخل الماء) بنصب الماء اي خاض فيه ويرفعه اي دخل الماء خفه (ان ابتل جميع احدى القدمين) يعني ابتلالا هو غسل (ينتقض مسحه)

[Gunyat al-Mutamalli (Halabi al-Kabir) fi Sharh Munyat al-Musalli, p.115 & 105-6, Maktabah Rasidiyyah]

ماسح الخف إذا دخل الماء خفه وابتل من رجله قدر ثلثة أصابع او أقل لا يبطل مسحه لأن هذا القدر لا يجزي عن غسل الرجل فلا يبطل به حكم المسح

[Fatawa Qadhi Khan, 1:50, Qadimi Kutub Khana, Karachi]

لو اصاب موضع المسح ماء المطر قدر ثلاث أصابع فمسحه جاز وكذا لو مشى في الحشيش فابتل ظاهر خفيه ولو بالطل وهو الصحيح

[Majma` al-Anhur fi Sharh Multaqa al-Abhur, 1:47, Dar Ihya at-Turath al-Arabi; Hashiyat at-Tahtawi ala ad-Durr al-Muktar, 1:139]

[Fatawa Haqqaniyyah, 2:554, Jamiah Dar al-Uloom Haqqaniyyah; Fatawa Mahmoodiyyah, 5:195-6, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Farooqiyyah, Karachi; Ahsan al-Fatawa, 2:61, H.M Saeed Company]

Bahishti Zewar (Kamil), p.73, Idarah Isha`at-e-Diniyat

This answer was collected from AskOurImam.com, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Hanif Yusuf Patel. He graduated from Jamiatul Ilm Wal Huda, Blackburn, U.K, with a distinction in Alimiyyah degree. He thereafter travelled to Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah Durban, South Africa, to train as a Mufti under the tutelage of Mufti Ebrahim Desai and Mufti Husain Kadodia.

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