Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » I use a networking site to remain in touch with my old friends and for my business.My question is whether it is permissible for me to insert a photo of me as a profile picture?

I use a networking site to remain in touch with my old friends and for my business.My question is whether it is permissible for me to insert a photo of me as a profile picture?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

i use a networking site to remain in touch with my old friends and for my business.My question is whether it is permissible for me to insert a photo of me as a profile picture? There are many beggars begging on the road but many a times they r fake or they indulge in bad habits with the money.So i wanted to ask whether it is right to give money to them or one must first know whether they are genuine and then give them money.pls reply fast i am sending this question for the second time


In the name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalāmu ῾alaykum wa Rahmatullāhi Wabarakātuh

1) It is not permissible for you to insert a photo of yourself as your profile picture.

(Fatāwa Rahimiyyah, vol 10 pg 146, Ishā’at)
 (Aap ki Masā’il, vol 7 pg 68, Ludyānwi)
(Fatāwa Mahmoodiyyah, vol 19 pg 470, Farookiyyah)

Hazrat Aisha (radiyallahu anhā) reports that Nabi (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) once came to her and in the house there was a curtain which had pictures on it. His face turned colour, he took hold of the curtain and tore it. Thereafter Nabi (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) remarked: “Those who create these pictures will receive the most severe of punishments on the day of Qiyaamah”

(Bukhari pg 902, Deoband)[1]

Rasulullah (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) has mentioned: “Whoever creates a picture of an animate object, Allah Ta’ala will punish him on the day of Qiyaamah until he will give life to the picture, which he will be unable to do”.

(Sunan Abi Dawood pg 329,HM Saeed)[2]

You may suffice by putting your name or placing an inanimate picture (if there is a need to put a picture). But, there is no need for you to put a picture of yourself in order for you to keep in touch with your old friends or for business.

2) In the verse of the Holy Qurān, Allah Ta’ala has instructed us not to be harsh and chase the beggar:

“And do not repulse the beggar” (93:10).

However, it is a sad reality nowadays that certain individuals have taken begging as a profession, simply because it is easier to beg, than to work hard and earn the same amount. Rasulullah (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) has encouraged us to work and has discouraged us from going out stretching our hands before people.

Anas bin Mālik (radiyallahu anhu) narrates that once an Ansāri man came begging to Rasulullah (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam). Rasulullah (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) asked him: “do you have anything at home?” He replied: “Yes! A blanket which I cover myself and a bowl which I drink water from”. The two items were brought and Rasulullah (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) auctioned both the items for two Dirhams.

He asked the Ansāri man to buy food with the one Dirham and give that to his family. With the second Dirham, he asked him to buy an axe and then go for fifteen days, chop wood and sell it to the public. In this manner, he acquired 10 Dirhams with which he purchased food and clothes. Rasulullah (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) then told him: “this is better for you than begging which will cause a mark on your face on the day of Qiyāmah”.

(Sunan Abi Dāwūd, Vol.1, Pg.232, HM Saeed)[3]

It is a virtues act to give charity to the poor. If somebody comes begging and you believe him to be needy and deserving of your charity, it will be permissible to give him charity without enquiring his personal information. However, if he is not genuine or it is certain the he will abuse the funds, that money should rather be given to other underprivileged people who will use those funds correctly.

And Allāh Ta῾āla Knows Best
Wassalāmu ῾alaykum 

Ml. Rayhaan Docrat,
Student Dārul Iftā

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Dārul Iftā, Madrasah In῾āmiyyah

[1]  عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت  : دخل علي النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم وفي البيت قرام فيه صور فتلون وجهه ثم تناول الستر فهتكه وقالت قال النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم ( من أشد الناس عذابا يوم القيامة الذين يصورون هذه الصور )

[2]  عن ابن عباس أن النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم  قال  من صور صورة عذبه الله بها يوم القيامة حتى ينفخ فيها وليس بنافخ

[3]  عن أنس بن مالك أن رجلا من الأنصار أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يسأله فقال أما في بيتك شيء قال بلى حلس نلبس بعضه ونبسط بعضه وقعب نشرب فيه من الماء قال ائتني بهما قال فأتاه بهما فأخذهما رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بيده وقال من يشتري هذين قال رجل أنا آخذهما بدرهم قال من يزيد على درهم مرتين أو ثلاثا قال رجل أنا آخذهما بدرهمين فأعطاهما إياه وأخذ الدرهمين وأعطاهما الأنصاري وقال اشتر بأحدهما طعاما فانبذه إلى أهلك واشتر بالآخر قدوما فأتني به فأتاه به فشد فيه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عودا بيده ثم قال له اذهب فاحتطب وبع ولا أرينك خمسة عشر يوما فذهب الرجل يحتطب ويبيع فجاء وقد أصاب عشرة دراهم فاشترى ببعضها ثوبا وببعضها طعاما فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم هذا خير لك من أن تجيء المسألة نكتة في وجهك يوم القيامة إن المسألة لا تصلح إلا لثلاثة لذي فقر مدقع أو لذي غرم مفظع أو لذي دم موجع (باب ما تجوز فيه المسألة)

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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