We are living in a place where muslims are very less. I told my wife to wear hijaab. She is wearing when we got outside. But if she has goes through our neighbourhood, she is not wearing hijaab. She is telling me that all our neighbours are non-muslims and if she wears Hijaab, then only men will look at her. That is she will be different from the rest of the women. I kindly request you clarify me. She is willing to follow islam, but she is telling me. Since we are in a place where Muslims are less, so she says that it is difficult to follow some of the Islamic ways
Firstly, before discussing anything else, lets take a look at what Allah Ta’
ala mentions regarding Hijaab in the Qur’aan. Allah Ta’ala commands Nabi
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) that, ‘Instruct your wives, your daughters and
the believing women that they should lower upon themselves their veils (the
Islamic Hijaab and way of dressing.’ (Ahzaab 59) This is a command of Allah
and it is incumbent to practice upon.
By your wife wearing Hijaab, especially in your neighbourhood where there
are only non-Muslims living can be a means of encouragement for the people
towards Islam. After all, the donning of Hijaab is such a dignified way of
dressing for a woman because in this way she is concealing what is not
permissible for a strange man’s gaze to fall upon. You mentioned that your
wife is willing to follow and practice upon the laws of Islam, but due to
Muslims being less, it is difficult to practice.
By her practicing and being firm on the laws of Islam and together with
having sincere intentions, most definitely this will be a means of
encouraging the other Muslims to practice on their Deen and also a means of
invitation towards Islam for the non-Muslims. By encouraging others towards
Islam and towards the laws of Allah, one will receive the reward of whatever
good the next person practices upon. By Muslim women donning the Islamic way
of dressing, especially in today’s time of sin, immodesty and futility, is
making Islam apparent in its pristine purity. The believing women out there
should keep in mind that they are the precious gems and pearls of their
husbands, and to be looked at and enjoyed by non other.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai