Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Please visit http://www.gujaratcarnage.com And see how the Hindu groups have systematically raped and murdered the Muslims. What action should we take (other than donating for the refugees)?

Please visit http://www.gujaratcarnage.com And see how the Hindu groups have systematically raped and murdered the Muslims. What action should we take (other than donating for the refugees)?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Women had their private parts pierced with rods, and body parts chopped off with swords. Children and elders burnt alive. Now they have placed an economic and education blockade on the Muslims. Their goal is to make slaves out of Muslims. 1. How should we share this with our younger generation? 2. How do we as Muslims avoid the likes of Bosnia and Gujarat? This is worse than anything I?ve read in history. 3. How do we attract Allah s.w.t.’s mercy? 4. WHAT IS OUR CRIME? 5. THE CRIME OF THE YOUNG MUSLIM CHILDREN THAT WERE BURNT ALIVE? 6. Muslims have never done this to any race, so why is everyone doing this to us? 7. Yes we have our deficiencies in our religious practices, but this is not a result of it, is it? The more I think about what happened there, the more restless I get.


1. We should make them aware of the situation of the Muslims not only in
Gujarat but worldwide.
2. This is a manifestation of the wrath of Allah. Compliance with His divine
laws will keep His punishment at bay.
3. Following His commandments and abstention from sin coupled with Du’aas
and charity draws the Rahmat of Allah Ta’ala.
4. It could be due to a number of crimes or just one crime alone. In simple
terms, we are guilty of turning away from Him.
5. Where the innocent are also caught up in the punishment of Allah, it is
not regarded as a punishment for them.
6. People feel threatened by the dominance of Muslims. Hence, their hatred
is exposed in such a barbaric and callous manner.
7. Answered above.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Muhammad Kadwa


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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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