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What should be done if the wife is afraid of having sexual intercourse?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Asallam o Alaikum 1) What should be done if the wife is afraid of having sexual intercourse for the first time? This is because of the fear of blood coming out. 2) I had a wet dream and the bed sheets became dry with semen stains. I changed into new clothes after making wudu and had a ghusl. Normally if I have a wet dream I probably end up washing the bed linen after 2 or 3 weeks. Can I continue to sleep on the same unwashed bed sheet without committing a sin, or do I have to wash it? 3) After having sexual intercourse, do we have to wash the bedsheets and quilt cover? Or can the impurities dry up and we can sleep within the same bedsheets and quilt cover? 4) When a women gets excited during foreplay and she releases a fluid, does she have to have a bath or does istinga suffice? Please answer the questions as full as possible.


1. It is only natural for a woman to suffer some form of anxiety at her
first sexual encounter. Every woman goes through this phase. However, the
love for her partner or her willingness to please him or her passion
overcomes this fear, thus, enabling her to succumb. The husband should be
very gentle and understanding of her anxiety. He should attempt to allay her
fears and attempt penetration only after extensive foreplay. The key word
here is, ‘gentle.’
2. It is better to wash the affected area. However, it is not a sin to sleep
on it.
3. Yes, you may sleep on it. However, it is best to change the sheets.
4. Ghusl only becomes compulsory if she reached orgasm. In the case you
mention, this is pre-coital fluid. Hence, Istinjaa will become will suffice.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Muhammad Kadwa

CHECKED AND APPROVED: Moulana Imraan Vawda

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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