Respected Moulana
The attached has been circulating around.
Please can you comment on the authenticity?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The Shaykh in reference is not a Hanafi and thus all the Fatawa are not inconformity with the Hanafi Madh-hab. The following verdicts are in accordance to the Hanafi Madh-hab:
- Injections do not break the fast. [Dhabitul Fitr; MZB]
- Inhalers will break the fast [Ibid]
- Intravenous, intramuscular injections do not break the fast. [Ibid]
- Using eye drops will not break the fast even though one experiences its effect in ones throat. [Maraqil Falah; Pg. 239 – Beirut]
- If one takes medicine through the nose (nose drops) and the medicine reaches the throat, that will invalidate the fast. In such a situation only qadha [make up] of the broken fast will be compulsory. If the nasal spray remains on the surface of the nose and the medicine does not reach the throat, the fast will be valid. However, it is most likely that the nasal spray will reach the throat. [Raddul Muhtar 402/2 – Fikr]
- If a person’s eardrum is imperforated, he may use ear drops. If someone has perforated ear drums, it will not be permissible to use ear drops. [Dhabitul Fitr; MZB]
- Nosebleed does not break the fast.
- Cupping (hijāmah) does not break the fast of the fasting person nor of the one administering it. However, it is makrūh (disliked) for a person to have cupping done on himself if he fears that this will weaken him in his fast. If there is no such fear, then it will not be makrūh. [Tahtawi Ala Maraqil Falah; Pg. 660 – DKI]
- Donating blood or receiving blood into one’s circulation intravenously does not break the fast. However, one must be careful of one’s health when donating blood.
- Blood test does not break the fast. [Al Mabsut 3/57 – Ma’rifah] However, if it may weaken oneself it will be advised to delay the tests after Ramadhan.
- Smelling incense or perfume that has a perceptible body intentionally will break ones fast. [Tahtawi Ala Maraqil Falah; Pg. 660 – DKI]
- Removing a tooth in itself will not break the fast. However, in view of the practical procedure of extracting a tooth, there is a strong possibility of some substance, such as water from the cleaning dispenser, going down the throat, thus invalidating the fast. Therefore, it is advisable to postpone the tooth extraction till a later date.
However, if there is severe need, one should try his utmost best that the blood does not enter the throat. If blood enters the throat, the fast will be nullified if the amount of blood exceeds the amount of saliva or if both are equal. Similarly, if one can perceive the taste of blood, the fast will be nullified. If the content of saliva is more, then the fast will remain intact. [Raddul Muhtar 396/2 – HM Saeed, Ahsanul Fatawa; 4/ 426 HM Saeed]
- Tasting food unnecessarily is Makruh (disliked). If any trace of the food or item is ingested and goes down the throat, it will invalidate the fast. [Badaai-us-Sanaai’; V. 2, Pg. 106- DKI]
- It is makrūh to use toothpaste or mouthwash whilst fasting. If the toothpaste or mouthwash goes down the throat, it will invalidate the fast. [Tahtawi Ala Maraqil Falah; Pg. 679 – DKI, Raddul Muhtar 416/2 – Fikr]
- Cutting the hair or clipping the nails does not break the fast.
- Having a bath or shower does not break the fast as long as water does not go down the throat and nose. In an obligatory fast, a fasting person does not have to make the water reach the entire mouth thoroughly, nor does he have to make water reach the fleshy part of the nose. Rinsing the mouth and the nose lightly and carefully without letting the water reach the throat or top portion of the nose is sufficient. [Tahtawi Ala Maraqil Falah; Pg. 100 – DKI
- The fast is only broken if one vomits a mouthful involuntarily and then swallows it voluntarily or if one had voluntarily (induced) vomited a mouthful whether swallowed or not.
**Mouthful: A mouthful is that which cannot be kept in the mouth except with difficulty. [Ahsanul Fatawa 443/4 – HM Saeed]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Safwaan Ibn Ml Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim
Darul Iftaa
Limbe, Malawi
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
Few answers taken from