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Monthly Archives: July 2012

OK to buy a used mattress couple of years old from a non-muslim (As they dont have the concept of purity/impurity)

Opinions of following ulema / fuqaha regarding face covering / niqab. imam abu hanifa, imam shafi, Imam Ahmed, Imam malik, Imam taimiya & Imam Ibn qayyim

We owe the bank £20,000.00 mortgage and i also owe my father £13,000.00. Will it be permissable for us to go to hajj even though when we return we will still be incurring sin

Is zakat payable on diamonds..? if not why not?

People who eat with their hands usually in the process of eating lick their fingers and with the same fingers hold other utensils like spoons and water jugs to pour or dish out more for themselves. Is this not unhyegenic?

What is the Shariah ruling about working in and selling Pizza with pepperoni, which made from pork meat?

Fatwa # 13977 – Isn’t black magic and/or dealing with jinns haraam in Islam? If it is indeed haraam then Isn’t a person like an Aamil who is doing black magic

We are involved in makin Operational Manuals for the Bank on behalf of our company. The Bank gives us reimbursment of the lunch expenses incurred by us while we are at the bank.

I would like to know the story of a pious man who commited zina. He was from the sahabi or tabeen or tabe tbeen

What is adab-e-gasht?what should we talk while giving adab-e-gasht?please reply in details?what are the adabs?

One of my non muslim friend saying that .bible and Quran are both the books of God.why Quran is not changed and bible is changed

The value of the pension fund increases more than the £ 3600 each year. Do i pay zakat on the total value of pension fund each year?

The supplier is too lazy (because they don’t know how to get a very specific item), they will ask us to buy it for them. Again, the same thing happened! Sometimes, its cheaper … Can we keep the left over money for ourselves

Been informed that it is not permissable to wear imitation rings. that that ruling apply to to all metals used to make the popular hi fashion costume jewellery,eg copper etc?

A women who is in age of 57 and got divorced. She is still in her iddah. Now she got proposal from other men for marriage. The men who proposed is in hurry