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Monthly Archives: July 2012

I would like to know whether I can invest an amount of my money in a tax saving scheme with the intention of not accepting the interest out of that.

I divorced my wife after 9 months because Justice was not given to me. At the time of Divorce she was on her menses. I still want to be with her, where can I get Justice?

I want to knoe if the word “god” is suitable to use…

My company is sending me to Iraq for a project. Can I go and work there? I am a Muslim? Will this income be halal for me?

The word Ibid. I dont know what this means. I had a question regarding the translation of “Tanqeed Aur Haqqe Tanqeed.” by Maulana Yousuf Lidhyanvi about maududi

If my husband and i do not have interdcourse,just fondling,and i find i have passed liquid, does that make it necessary to take ghusal

Can men have a vasectomy? What is the ruling on wearing the trousers above the ancles? Jazzakallah

Is it ok if you are little bill late on sahar. Will the fasting be invalid?that is sahar end time was 4.54 I did sahar till 4.56 is my fasting valid or should i refast?

Is it necessary to obtain a islamic divorce certificate and how can this be done few years after the event?

Sometimes in my daily life I see things that I’m very sure I have seen before. I don’t mean objects, but actions .

I would like to know that is it ok to get married without consulting my family? My father doesnt really care Please can you what would I need to do to go through this nikah

Can he greet both of wifes by kissing on cheeks or lips and huging in presence of other wife ?

Does a child become illegitimate when she is conceived without nikah taking place or when she is born & nikaah was not made till after she was born.what is her status in society.will she inherit.

Is haqeeqa supposed to be made by the adoptive or biological parents. Also please advise if the name Tawfeeq can be kept alone or should it be Tawfeeq Ahmed / Husain

I will pay the bill with my money for $100.00 and collect my fee for writing the check, mailing out the payment and be responsible if my check is not cleared by the bank.