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Answers indexed from: ShariahBoard.org

What say the noble muftis about the issue of Christmas if someone extends their gratitude or congratulations out of the fear of harm and oppression and also, at such an occasion can we take their chocolate?

What is the ruling of the shariah of islam if someone sells sandwitches of a meat from a lawful animal but who is not slaughtered according to the law of islam?

If someone while having sex swallows the sperm because imam shafi is of the opinion that it’s clean?

What is the ruling of the shariah if a male asks a woman to give him oral sex?

If a person, who now is 65 years old, was born from his mother’s womb in a state that 2/3 of the skin on his private part was circumcised and only 1/3 of it was left. So, now, does he have to circumcise the remainder of the skin?

What say ulema of deen if completed my ablution and then I wore at 10 a.m. my leather socks, I prayed the Sunnah of zuhar with the same socks on then when I felt hot I took them off. So, what is the ruling about me having to wash my feet, when until now, I didn’t do ‘masha’. It’s in fatawa darul uloom that if someone takes off their socks then the washing of the feet in enough if the ablution was not broken from before.

If I told my wife by her name something like this ‘maniya I divorce you’ ‘I divorce you’ so, I issued the word divorce twice. Then after sometime before she could finish her time of ‘iddah’ I told her one more time ‘madniya I divorce you’ and from this statement I meant divorce. So, from this would my wife be divorced?

What say the noble muftis about smoking or selling cigarettes ?

If a woman died and among her heirs she has six brothers and two sisters, according to the shariah how would her inheritance be distributed among her heirs?

If someone has a wooden bed can he or she pray on it or that person would have to pray only on the ground?

What is the ruling of praying ASR prayer at the haram?

If a husband thinks that the staying of wife’s parents or someone from her immediate family (who cannot marry her) is not appropriate and wants to stop them from staying at his place, can he do that?

One young woman is spending her time of ‘iddah’ after her husband died in the home of her in-laws, out of the fear of not being able to maintain her hijab and also to prevent other forms of oppression is she allowed to leave that house and choose some other place to finish her time of ‘iddah’?

If a constant inflow and outflow of women in the store cause me to secrete. So, what is the ruling of this and what are the obligations of shower?

If I am trying to get some papers from the office which after many trials didn’t succeed because of which I am facing many problems and I have no other way out?