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Chaaliswa and Giyaarwi Shareef?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Q1-Could you please explain in detail 1-Chaliswa 2-Gyarwee Sharif ?

2- when did it start ?

3-How is it to go to these gatherings?





  1. Giyaarwi is a ceremony which is held annually in Rabee’uth Thaani in commemoration of the great saint Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani (R.A.A.).  Those who arrange and attend these ceremonies are under the impression that they will be rewarded for this act and the reward will extend to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani (R.A.A.)

Esaal-e-Thawaab is undoubtedly a commendable deed but the manner in which Giyaarwi is conducted is objectionable and some of the activities which take place are not in harmony with the dictates of Shari’ah.  Esaal-e-Thawaab is an act of ‘Ibaadat which can be performed at any time.  There is no specific date or time assigned for carrying out this act.  On the other hand, those who celebrate Giyaarwi deem it is necessary to celebrate it on a specific date (11th Rabee’uth Thaani) and it will be very displeasing to them if done on any other day besides this day.  This clearly indicates that the idea of Giyaarwi is not for the sole purpose of Esaal-e-Thawaab; rather it is regarded as a separate binding act of ‘Ibaadat which can only be performed on a specific date.  As a result, this celebration would be an addition to Shari’ah and categorised as Bid’ah.

Celebrations of this kind are not proven from the Qur’an and Hadith nor were it the practice of the Sahabah (R.A.).  The Qur’an prohibits the Believers from extravagance whereas a huge sum of money is spent on decorations, first class food, etc.  This money could rather be donated to the poor who will use it to obtain the basic essentials and the reward will be manifold.

This practice began after the demise of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani (R.A.A.) which occurred in 561 A.H.  The exact date is unknown.

There will however be no harm in delivering a speech relating to the life of this great personality so that the people may learn and try to adopt his ways but this speech too should not be regarded as compulsory.  (Ikhtilaaf-e-Ummat aur Siraat-e-Mustaqeem, Vol. 1, Page 165, Fataawaa Rahimiyyah, Vol. 2, Page 285)

  1. Chaaliswa is a custom which takes place forty days after the death of a person.  On this day a group of people gather at the house of the deceased and engage in various acts of ‘Ibaadat with the intention of Esaal-e-Thawaab.  Those who attend these ceremonies believe that it can only be held forty days after the death of a person.  We have mentioned above that there is no stipulated time for performing Esaal-e-Thawaab therefore to appoint a time and regard it as necessary is Bid’ah.  Once Shah ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Dehlawi (R.A.A.) was asked regarding those people who stipulate a certain day to visit the graveyard and regard it as compulsory to visit the graveyard on that specific day.  Shah saheb replied that visiting the graveyard is a great Sunnah but to fix a specific and deem it compulsory to visit the graveyard on that day would be Bid’ah.  (Ikhtilaaf-e-Ummat aur Siraat-e-Mustaqeem, Vol. 1, Page 96)

  1. It is not permissible to attend such gathering as by attending them one would be imitating their ways and promoting their beliefs.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Ebrahim bin Zainul Abedeen Backus

Attested to as correct by:

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


24 June 2004

05 Jumaadul Oola 1425

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