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Gifting to One’s Children

Q: My aunt has just passed away. My uncle would like to sell his property and distribute the income between his 4 children.
He has 2 sons and 2 daughters: 1 of the sons has indicated that he does not want anything. The other son has not given any indication of what he wants. Both the sons have their own homes. Both daughters (both married with families) currently live with the father, and their families.

The 2nd daughter has been taking care of the parents for about 10 years now, together with her own family. Her husband has not had a secure job for many years and hence, most responsibilities rested on her to be the breadwinner.
The 1st daughter has sold her home in PE and relocated to Dbn, and staying with the father (and the other sister’s family) for the past 6months. Initially her intention with relocation was to stay with the parents temporarily until she is able to find a place in Durban.

Now the mother has passed away within this 6 months. The father would like to sell his house and distribute some money to his children. The house was initially offered for sale to the 2nd daughter, but she declined as she feels she is incapable of maintaining such a big house as she is now growing older. The 1st daughter, who relocated wants to buy the house. And has asked for it to be sold for R200 000. The current value of the house is approx. R700 000.
The issue here is whether this would be fair on the other children, in particular the daughter who stayed with the parents when no one else was able to take care of them.  She would need to find a place of her own as the house will be now be sold to the other daughter, for such a small price, that even dividing it equally would still leave the second daughter in a predicament. Please advise.

Gifting to One's Children

A: Since the father is the sole owner of the house, he has the choice to sell it to whomsoever he wishes at whatever price he wishes. If the father wishes to gift the value of the house to his children, then upon selling the house it is preferable for him to distribute the money equally between his children. It is reprehensible for the father to show favouritism to any of his children without a valid reason. However, if there is a valid reason, it is permissible for him to give one a little more than the others. E.g. If among his children, there are some who are more needy than the others; it will be permissible for the father to give them a little more.

متى وقف حال صحته وقال على الفريضة الشرعية قسم على ذكورهم وإناثهم بالسوية هو المختار المنقول عن الأخيار كما حققه مفتي دمشق يحيى بن المنقار في الراسلة المرضية على الفريضة الشرعية

قال الشامي: قوله ( كما حققه مفتي دمشق الخ ) أقول حاصل ما ذكره في الرسالة المذكورة أنه ورد في الحديث أنه قال سووا بين أولادكم في العطية ولو كنت مؤثرا أحدا لآثرت النساء على الرجال رواه سعيد في سننه وفي صحيح مسلم من حديث النعمان بن بشير تقوا الله وعدلوا في أولادكم فالعدل من حقوق الأولاد في العطايا والوقف عطية فيسوي بين الذكر والأنثى لأنهم فسروا العدل في الأولاد بالتسوية في العطايا حال الحياة وفي الخانية ولو وهب شيئا لأولاده في الصحة وأراد تفضيل البعض على البعض روى عن أبي حنيفة لا بأس به إذا كان التفضيل لزيادة فضل في الدين وإن كانوا سواء يكره وروى المعلى عن أبي يوسف أنه لا بأس به إذا لم يقصد الإضرار وإلا سوى بينهم وعليه الفتوى وقال محمد يعطى للذكر ضعف الأنثى وفي التتارخانية معزيا إلى تتمة الفتاوى قال ذكر في الاستحسان في كتاب الوقف وينبغي للرجل أن يعدل بين أولاده في العطايا والعدل في ذلك التسوية بينهم في قول أبي يوسف وقد أخذ أبو يوسف حكم وجوب التسوية من الحديث وتبعه أعيان المجتهدين وأوجبوا التسوية بينهم وقالوا يكون آثما في التخصيص وفي التفضيل وليس عند المحققين من أهل المذهب فريضة شرعية في باب الوقف إلا هذه بموجب الحديث المذكور والظاهر من حال المسلم اجتناب المكروه فلا تنصرف الفريضة الشرعية في باب الوقف إلا إلى التسوية والعرف لا يعارض النص هذا خلاصة ما في هذه الرسالة وذكر فيها أنه أفتى بذلك شيخ الأسلام محمد الحجازي الشافعي والشيخ سالم السنهوري المالكي والقاضي تاج الدين الحنفي وغيرهم (رد المحتار 4/444)

وفي الخانية لابأس بتفضيل بعض الأولاد في المحبة لأنها عمل القلب وكذا في العطايا إن لم يقصد به الإضرار وإن قصده فسوى بينهم يعطي البنت كالإبن عند الثاني وعليه الفتوى (الدر المختار 5/696)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

This answer was collected from MuftiOnline.co.za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa.

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