Home » Shafi'i Fiqh » Darul Iftaa Jordan » What should a woman who is in a state of menstruation, or confinement do if she became ritually pure during the day of Ramadhaan ?

What should a woman who is in a state of menstruation, or confinement do if she became ritually pure during the day of Ramadhaan ?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Darul Iftaa Jordan
What should a woman who is in a state of menstruation, or confinement do if she became ritually pure during the day of Ramadhaan ?

If she became pure during the day time of Ramadhaan, it is desirable for her to fast the rest of that day, and to make up for it along with the days that she had missed due to menstruation.

This answer was collected from the official government Iftaa Department of Jordan.

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