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Interest-bearing Loans, Trips, and Limits

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Let’s say someone has an interest-accruing educational loan. As every day passes, the amount of interest grows, to what lengths must such a person go in paying off this debt? Specifically, is it haram for him to buy a somewhat nicer apartment when a cheaper one would suffice? also, if he will soon graduate from school and has discretion over when he starts his job (and therefore can start paying off the debt), is there any harm in postponing his start date for a month or two and taking a trip overseas? what if the overseas trip is for acquiring ‘ilm?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Walaikum assalam,

The scholars explain that:

One must take reasonable means to pay off the loan as quickly as possible.

One can undergo expenses that are to one’s benefit (whether worldly or next worldly), as long as they do not unduly delay or prevent repayment.

It is best to figure out a sustainable amount one can repay, as much as reasonably possible, and then stick to these repayments without fail.

Walaikum assalam,
Faraz Rabbani.

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